Announcement: Our Series of Technical Papers Launches Today!

Today see’s the release of Pumpkin’s first technical research paper. To keep them on brand, we’re going to call them orange papers as they’ll be like white papers but in the inimitable Pumpkin Consulting style so they’ll be packed with useful and actionable insights and above all they’ll be easy to read with a light-hearted style which will aim to present what is usually very formal, sometime complex and usually very dry content in a way that makes you WANT to read it!

The first orange paper in the series, published today, is about the much-maligned subject of HR security. Stay with us though, it’s packed with best practice suggestions for some issues that are common, yet not widely understood. In this paper, we'll explore five simple ways you can protect and improve your SAP HR security focusing on:-

  1. Context Sensitive authorisations

  2. integrating standard authorisations with structural authorisations

  3. SAP Memory and INDX problems causing problems with HR

  4. HR data protection laws

  5. Beyond SAP HR: when your HR data finds its way outside of SAP


Best practice lessons: Transporting SAP Security


Announcement: Pumpkin Website Reboot